Are Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills Safe To Use?

Posted by somsoma

This write-up does not, in any way, establish a scientific claim on the safety of the herbal breast enlargement pills. However the discussion in this article and the gathered facts therein, support the use of these herbal pills as the most viable alternative for breast enlargement.

Herbs for breast enlargement abound today. Women of different cultures all over the world have tried them and are still taking them. A number claimed that they are indeed effective and a greater number would like to try them out, if only they could establish its safety. Concerns about their possible side-effects stop these women. Among the chief complaints that they attribute to these herbal breast enlargement pills were hair loss, weight gain, mild allergies and a few other trivial cases.

It should be noted that these complaints were random in nature and were fewer in number than the testimonials continuously made by women who were happy with the said breast enlargement pills and suffer no ill side effects. As with all other medications, every case is different. Everyone reacts differently. Allergies to herbs are uncommon as compared to their chemically prepared counterparts. Herbal breast enlargement pills produce the result you want with the lesser risks. These herbal supplements have patrons that are using them for a relatively long period of time already.

Women Need Estrogen

These herbal pills mostly contain natural ingredients with estrogen-like effect on the body. It is called as phyto-oestrogen. This is very similar to the human hormone, estrogen, thus the estrogen-like effects.

Women, during puberty, start to have estrogen hormones in their bodies. Older women do not produce these hormones as much anymore and the medical world advises them to take supplements for balance. If estrogen is needed that badly and these herbal enlargement pills do nothing but produce this estrogen-like effect, how can it be bad for a woman's health? Birth control pills are also widely accepted and it is known that they produce the same side effect, i.e. fluid retention in breasts. Yet medical doctors prescribe them all over the world.

A number of herbal breast enlargement pills, whilst producing the estrogen-effect, simultaneously have the progesterone-effect that is a requirement for safety. Women undergoing hormone replacement therapy are advised by their doctors to take progesterone to offset the ill-effects of estrogen.

Herbs used in breast enlargement pills have an established history of treating different illnesses like menstrual cramps, loss of appetite, and indigestion. They are also regularly used to aid in increasing the flow of breast milk, menstrual flow, relieve premenstrual syndrome and help regulate menstrual cycles. These ingredients make us feel safer; after all they are but herbs and foods.

These herbal pills do the work by mere stimulation of your mammary glands to produce new breast tissues, a very natural process and no surgery required.

Even with the complaints attributed to herbal breast enlargement pills, there is no hard evidence that establishes the ill-effects (direct or indirect) that they could have.By Vanessa A. Doctor