Living: Herbal Guide to Better Health

Posted by somsoma

MANY people, in these stressful times, may seek a single "magic bullet" pill to help alleviate their health problems - even sourcing the internet for drugs.
Yet there is mounting concern over the amount of prescription drugs that we take and their possible cumulative negative effects on our bodies.
Almost 20 people die every week after suffering an adverse reaction to prescription drugs and the death toll has nearly doubled in the past five years, according to the Government.
Perhaps it's hardly surprising that a growing number are instead seeking alternatives to mainstream medicine, from herbs to supplements.
The use of herbs for medicinal purposes goes back to ancient times - Egyptians used herbal medicine in around 1500BC and in the UK it's estimated we now spend pounds 126 million on herbal medicine.
Hazel Courteney, author of 500 Of The Most Important Health Tips You'll Ever Need, says people have realised the importance of a healthier diet and have also become more aware of herbal remedies and supplements.
"People are keen in today's polluted world to find natural alternatives to prescribed medicines because they are realising that the body is perfectly capable of healing itself when it is given the right tools for the job," she says.
"People want to take more responsibility for their own health, reduce the toxins they take into their bodies, and ensure they have less need for orthodox drugs."
She reminds people that herbs are powerful medicines, and that if you are taking prescription drugs, you should always advise your doctor of any supplements or herbs you wish to take in case of complications.
Try garlic, ginger and horseradish tincture, as all of these herbs can ease congestion and reduce the symptoms of hayfever.
Histazyme contains calcium, Vitamin C, the amino acid lysine, zinc, Vitamin B6, silica, bromelain, Vitamin A and manganese, which help if you suffer seasonal disorder. Take one capsule twice daily. Do not take if you are pregnant.
Bee propolis is a substance manufactured by bees to sterilise their hives, and has been shown in three studies to kill the MRSA bacteria, which is resistant to antibiotics.
You need to take three grams a day before any stay in hospital and continue for at least a month afterwards. Available from Bee Health, 01262 607 890/
Magnesium and calcium have been shown to lower blood pressure - take 500mg of each daily.
Alternatively, try 900mg of garlic a day. When used long-term garlic can help gently lower blood pressure and thin the blood. Kudos makes a high-strength 1,000mg capsule. 020 8392 6524/
If you are taking blood-pressure medication advise your doctor before taking any supplements.
If your hair is thinning because of the menopause, some herbs can help to balance hormones naturally to counteract this. These include dong quai, black cohosh, sage and soya isoflavones. Zinc is essential for hair and nail growth, take 30mg daily.
Try a herbal menstrual formula containing blessed thistle, squaw vine and barberry, and cramp bark - which all help to cleanse the reproductive organs and balance hormones.
This should be taken throughout the month not just during your period.
FOR information on the nearest herbal medicine practitioners, visit the National Institute of Medicinal Herbalists or call the Herbal Health Advice Line on 01392 426 022, which can put you in touch with qualified medical herbalists for guidance on herbal health matters. BY GABRIELLE FAGAN


  1. Anonymous said...


    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I guess you can say that I am a health freak!! I always read health blogs and ask health questions. I have even tried herbal products for the last ten years and I have to say the combination of herbal and modern medicine has changed my life. I find a lot of my herbal info and products from . well, I look forward to all the updates. Thanks again.
