Herbal Remedies to Prescription Drug Problems

Posted by somsoma

Many people, in these stressful times, may seek a single "magic bullet" pill to help alleviate their health problems ( even scouring the internet for drugs.
Yet there is mounting concern over the amount of prescription drugs we take and their possible cumulative negative effects.
Almost 20 people a week die in the UK after an adverse reaction to prescription drugs, and the death toll has nearly doubled in the past five years, according to the Government.
Perhaps it's not surprising that a growing number of people are seeking alternatives to mainstream medicine.
In the UK it's estimated that people spend pounds 126m a year on herbal medicine.
Ned Reiter, president of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, says: "Herbal medicine can be remarkably effective in qualified hands and is extremely helpful in treating stress-based conditions."
But he urges expert guidance.
"Many people self-prescribe, but there are several limitations to do-it-yourself medicine and consulting a professional herbalist gives access to a safer, individually tailored and more effective application."
The use of herbs for medicinal purposes goes back to ancient times; Egyptians used herbal medicine around 1500BC.
Plants with a particular affinity for certain organs or systems of the body are used to "feed" and restore the health to those parts which have become weakened.
Hazel Courteney, author of 500 of the Most Important Health Tips You'll Ever Need, says that as people have realised the importance of a healthier diet, they have also become more aware of herbal remedies and supplements.
She says: "People are keen in today's polluted world to find natural alternatives to prescribed medicines, because they are realising that the body is perfectly capable of healing itself when it is given the right tools for the job.
"People want to take more responsibility for their own health, to generally improve it, reduce the toxins they take into their bodies and ensure that they have less need for orthodox drugs."
She also reminds people that herbs are powerful medicines, and that if you are taking prescription drugs, you should tell your doctor of any herbs or herbs you wish to take, in case of complications.
Rhodiola: Improves concentration and memory and helps reduce the negative effect of stress hormones. Herb Tech Rhodiola, pounds 11.99 for 100 capsules from Holland & Barrett.
Gotu kola: Improves circulation, which can help conditions such as cold hands, leg ulcers, varicose veins and, in some cases, hair loss. Herbal Authority Gotu Kola, 30ml for pounds 4.49, from Holland & Barrett.
Astralagus: Also known as Chinese root, it has been proven in medical studies to boost immune function, as it increases white cell activity. Good 'n' Natural Astralagus, pounds 10.99 for 100 capsules, from Holland & Barrett.
Siberian ginseng: A tonic which also boosts the immune system and helps support adrenal function. Holland & Barrett's Siberian Ginseng, pounds 9.49 for 100 capsules.
Try garlic, ginger and horseradish tincture, all of which can ease congestion and reduce hayfever symptoms.
Histazyme contains calcium, Vitamin C, the amino acid lysine, zinc, Vitamin B6, silica, bromelain, Vitamin A and manganese, which help if you suffer seasonal disorder. Take one capsule twice daily.
Do not take if you are pregnant.
High blood pressure
Magnesium and calcium have been shown to lower blood pressure ( take 500mg of each daily.
Alternatively, try 900mg of garlic a day.
When used long term, garlic can help gently lower blood pressure and thin the blood.
If you are taking blood-pressure medication, advise your doctor before taking any supplements.
Pre-menstrual tension
Try a herbal menstrual formula containing blessed thistle, squaw vine and barberry, and cramp bark ( all of which help to cleanse the reproductive organs and balance hormones.
This should be taken throughout the month, not just during your period.